domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

Mais perguntas interessantes feitas no Just Jared Jr.( em inglês).

“JJJ: How’d you guys spend your Valentine’s Day?
Dylan: With Cole!
Cole: No! I went to the movies…with someone… And afterwards, we went to a little party. We watched Coraline. I really liked it.
Dylan: Coraline was a good movie…while I was there, on your date. (laughs) No, no, I spent it with a girl, and we watched some movies, and it was raining that day, so we stayed inside. But we got chocolate turtles, which are delicious, by the way, in case you didn’t know, you should really try them."

"JJJ: What’s the biggest turn-off for a girlfriend?
Cole: Biggest turn-off…
Dylan: Stink.
Cole: Obviously. When a girl farts…
Dylan: That’s the most embarrassing thing in the world."

"JJJ: What kind of music do you guys listen to?
Dylan: Electronic, Pendulum (the group) is up there, right now…
Cole: Rock, Oasis.
Dylan: Cole listens to a lot of indie music, which I’m not very into…”


17 de abril: dylan e cole sprouse apareceram capa da "people magazine" por causa de "zack e cody gemeos a bordo"
Dylan e Cole foram intrevistados pelos "Just Jared Jr" até que foi perguntado: Qual foi sua proposta favorita sobrezack e cody gemeos a bordo? Dylan respondeu: “I have a chicken on a noose in my room. Like, if you look in the background, it’s there.” e Cole continuou: “Dude, we have electric scooters! They’re awesome.”

quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

Parabéns ao Dylan, por ter ganhado o prêmio de melhor ator de TV no KIDS ´CHOICE AWARDS! VEJA AS IMAGENS!